@inproceedings{rousse2023lcz,author={Rousse, Basile and Lobry, Sylvain and Duthé, Géraldine and Golaz, Valérie and Wendling, Laurent},booktitle={2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)},title={Seasonal semi-supervised domain adaptation for linking population studies and Local Climate Zones},year={2023},volume={},hdl={http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12204/AYYN2oGULg0aT10RucqF},pages={1-4},doi={10.1109/JURSE57346.2023.10144163},bibtex_show={true}}
Linking population data to high resolution maps: a case study in Burkina Faso
@inproceedings{rousse2023iclrlinking,title={Linking population data to high resolution maps: a case study in Burkina Faso},author={Rousse*, Basile and Lobry, Sylvain and Duthé, Géraldine and Golaz, Valérie and Wendling, Laurent},booktitle={ICLR Workshop on Machine Learning for Remote Sensing},year={2023},bibtex_show={true}}
Matching environmental data produced from remote sensing images to demographic data in Sub-Saharan Africa
@inproceedings{rousse2022lpsmatching,title={Matching environmental data produced from remote sensing images to demographic data in Sub-Saharan Africa},author={Rousse*, Basile and Thay*, Lys and Lobry, Sylvain and Duthé, Géraldine and Wendling, Laurent and Golaz, Valérie},booktitle={ESA Living Planet Symposium},year={2022},bibtex_show={true}}